Monday, May 26, 2008


Am I the confident one that speaks up in Bible class sounding as though I know what I'm talking about?

Am I the insecure one who doesn't really reveal who I am or what I think for fear you'll run?

Am I the sweet one, always with a listening ear and a hand to hold?

Am I the absent one who can't be reached by phone or email or smoke signal

Am I the steady one, the moral compass, the calming presence

Am I the impatient one who shakes her fist at crazy drivers on the road?

Am I the resilient one who has overcome enormous physical difficulties

Am I the public one, who twitters, facebooks, and blogs on a regular basis?

Am I a country girl from small town Texas?

Am I really a sojochick- world traveler, cross-cultural, rolling stone?

Am I a writer, web-designer, English teacher?

Faithful and faithless,
Humble and proud,
Strong and weak,
Sensitive and hard,
Saint and sinner.

By the grace of God, I'm all of the above.

Father, in your mercy, give us peace with ourselves and our many contradictions. Make us more in your image and use our many broken, crooked pieces to reveal your glory.

image from


jettybetty said...

We all have such amazing contradictions in our lives--this is a great post that makes me think...

Anonymous said...

you're the one in a million,
you're the one,
you're the one...

Blueprint Baby said...

Looks like you have an admirer? I love this poem. I wrote one similar back in the day of post-modern blitz entitle And, Also.