Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Singing Night

Tonight was singing night at church.  I will admit that I was not enthused when I first heard this, because oftentimes singing night entails people fighting tooth and nail to get their very favorite song in the whole wide world sung.  People wave their hands inthe air frantically and numbers are shout out from every corner of the auditorium.  Requested song singing nights bring out the worst in a lot of folks!  And I don't think it's just like that here-- I've seen it at many places and in different countries-- so this is definitely not a localized occurance.
But instead, tonight different men just got up and led their favorite songs.  I think it's telling to hear people request a song, because it usually means that it has some kind of special meaning or signifigance to them.  One song that has special meaning to me is "I Am A Sheep" by
Dennis Jernigan.  The 23rd Psalm has a special place in my heart; I love the message of God as our shepherd watching over us, guiding us, protecting us, and providing for us.  

What songs have special meanings to you guys?
I am a sheep and the Lord is my Shepherd watching over my soul
My soul to keep guarding over me ever, watching wherever I go
And when the winds blow He is my shelter
When I'm lost and alone He rescues me
When the lion comes He is my victory
Constantly watching over me

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