Friday, May 06, 2005

Democrats Shown the Door at Church

This story is very disturbing. Granted, it's obvious the pastor is a nut job who was willing to actually publicly kick several members of his congregation to the curb for not supporting George Bush, and I honestly don't think many church leaders would go that far. However, I have been known to underestimate the insanity of many people (specifically Christians and republicans... ha ha, that's just a joke... sort of :) ).
Anyway, the point to this post is that I think the religious/political environment in America has become way too blended lately. I've never heard from the pulpit that I should come forward and repent for not being in line with G-Dub, but I've heard pretty close. That is such a shame.

There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Galatians 3:28


Blakewell said...

Too bad they won't let me in the pulpit.

OCAppleMBA said...

It has been said over and over, but I just want to make sure that I have said it as well: I am relegated to be an American, I am proud to be a Christian. I am constantly bombarded with talk of the political climate, as though I should care who leads the lost and dying world alongside the prince of darkness. I want to be a Christian, and not an American, but alas that may never be.

My best friend and closest thing to a religious advisor is Mexican. Because his parents were born below a line formed by Americans, he always has to be a Mexican. I relate more with him as a Christian, simply speaking a foreign language does not make me wish he and I were from the same place. I hope that even if I were from France we could share the same experiences in life.

OCAppleMBA said...

It has been said over and over, but I just want to make sure that I have said it as well: I am relegated to be an American, I am proud to be a Christian. I am constantly bombarded with talk of the political climate, as though I should care who leads the lost and dying world alongside the prince of darkness. I want to be a Christian, and not an American, but alas that may never be.

My best friend and closest thing to a religious advisor is Mexican. Because his parents were born below a line formed by Americans, he always has to be a Mexican. I relate more with him as a Christian, simply speaking a foreign language does not make me wish he and I were from the same place. I hope that even if I were from France we could share the same experiences in life.