Sunday, July 17, 2005


I've gone over a whole week without posting. For many this would be fairly normal, but in Ann-blog time that's like 7 weeks I think. :) So here's a few brief tidbits to update you all.

I've been to a couple of doctors since I've written. Doctor number one (family doctor) diagnosed me with hepatitis, doctor number two (stomach doctor) isn't so sure. Both ordered some unfortunate tests that I reluctantly went along with. No results back except for the fact that my liver is healing and I don't have a parasite. Hopefully more results soon.

I'm feeling so-so. In some ways I'm sicker but in others I think I'm getting better. I am resting well, though.

I'm being an absolute communication recluse, which is probably unhealthy. I'm sorry if you've written and I haven't written you back. I'm going to work on that today.

I was in OKC to see my doctor last week, which was nice but odd. I got to see some good friends, but didn't get to see a lot of the people I associate with OKC because either 1- the moved, 2- they were out of town, or 3- I was too sick. Kind of frustrating, but what are ya going to do.

My mom's birthday was yesterday. Since I've had a driver's license, in our family I am usually in charge of all things for our mom (mother's day, Christmas, birthdays). Since I am rather incapacitated this year I was frustrated that I couldn't do anything special for her, especially since she's done so much for me lately. I vow to make it up one day after I'm well again.

Well, that's all for this installment folks. I'll try to write something entertaining someday soon. To add some color to the blog, here is a random picture. It's my desktop wallpaper. This was taken at the Texas/Oklahoma border between Paris and Hugo.


Anonymous said...

How I miss that beautiful site! But I can't complain, the mountains of Colorado are nice too! I hope that you are feeling well, Ann, and that you gets lots of good rest and are feeling better very soon. Love ya girlie!

jettybetty said...

I am guessing your mom had all she needed from you by just having you home right now!!!
Still praying for you!!!

crittermer said...

Ann, I'm very thankful to hear that you're getting some rest. I was glad to get the update, but don't worry that you're not blogging or e-mailing enough. You have plenty on your plate and I'll take the updates whenever you have time!

Much love for a speedy recovery,