Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Actions Speak Louder

Well, I haven't been offered that full time preaching position yet. :) But tonight I did volunteer to teach a ladies' Bible class in two weeks at my parents' church. This should be interesting! :) As I told my dad, this could be the beginning or the ending of my illustrious preaching ministry. Ha! If you know me, you'll know how to read that...

My assigned topic is "Actions speak louder than words." What a shame, seeing as how I have nothing to say on that subject... ;)

Any great thoughts from you folks as to what I should include in my topic? Any great quotes or passages or songs or movies or what not?


Evelina said...

Well, this is kind of a lame example, but something that I've thought about sometimes. There's a part in Batman Begins where what's-her-face says to Batman/Bruce (in response to his argument that she doesn't know who he really is or something like that) that no matter what you say, it's what you do that defines you. I kind of like that, because I get sick of people saying things like, "I'm just being myself and if they don't like it that's their problem," as if that excuses cruelty and obnoxious behavior.

Summer said...

I would say, although she does use words very well, Amber Foster, case in point. She's our very own Mother Theresa (though you may not want to say that!)

Congrats on what is sure to be a long a fruitful career, Ann!