Wednesday, October 20, 2004

More than you'll ever know...

I have always and will always maintain that God blesses me more than I could ever deserve through the amazing people he puts in my life. Here is a brief, non-exhaustive list of things that remind me how gracious God is to me.

I love...
  • my family because they always sound so happy to hear my voice when I call.
  • my friend who will take on the entire Honduran government to be able to work with her kids, if she has to.
  • my former professor who will go to the trouble to mail me a quick note to let me know he's thinking about me, when it would have taken 30 seconds to shoot it off in an email.
  • my friends who always IM me and ask me what time it is here. :)
  • my friends who may not agree with my views, but always respect me and engage me in lively debate. ;) Iron sharpening iron...
  • my extended family who print off copies of my blog and pass them around for everyone to read.
  • my professors who will read and respond to my emails when I have concerns or things I want to talk over with them.
  • my friends here who I can call at any time for anything.
  • the church members here who will walk with me the second or third or tenth mile to help me settle and feel welcome.
  • my mom who knows exactly what to put in my care packages.
  • my co-workers who have welcomed me into their group of friends with open arms and have also helped me with all the logistics of moving to a new place.
  • people who stumble onto my blog and leave encouraging notes that make my day.
  • my connection group in OKC that prays for me every week.
  • my dad who emails me stories and pictures and new bits that he knows I would want to know about.
  • my friends who write things like, "I pray for you everyday" and remind me that "friends may come and go, but they don't have to."

God, I am so blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Ann, this is your Aunt Myra. I wanted to send you an email but I couldn't find it anywhere. Just wanted you to know we are thinking of you.