Saturday, October 16, 2004

Sunset over Nihon

This picture doesn't do it justice, but tonight we had a beautiful sunset. Many thanks to all those who prayed for a clear day in Japan, because the last 3 days have been great!!!
By the way, since I've gotten the internet in my apartment I've been listening to sermons online. Does anyone have any good or favorite websites with sermons on them? Please leave them in the comments! I really appreciate it!!!
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friend said... has the best sermons in my humble opinion. They are all free mp3. I recommend starting with the one on alchohol to get a good idea of this guy. He does tons of research, very funny, knows his bible like crazy- good good stuff.

Anonymous said...
This is Farmers Branch church of Christ in Dallas, Texas. Chris Seidman is the preacher and I'm always encouraged and challenged when I listen to him preach. Judith

crittermer said...

I confess that I am an online sermon junkie, as well. And my hands-down favorite place to get them (I admittedly have a lot of bias here) is The October 3 sermon entitled "Fear No Man" is the most convicting thing I've heard in months.=)

Blakewell said...

Ann - your brevity is amazing. You go girl!

I fall asleep to this every night:

...its actually not boring, it just really helps you have some amazing dream sequences. :)