Saturday, October 23, 2004

Okay here...

Just in case you've seen this headline: Major Japanese Earthquakes or this headline: Major Japanese Typhoons, I just wanted to assure you that I am okay. People keep telling me that the weather (do earthquakes count as "weather"?) is really not normally like this, but since I've been here things have been a little nuts. I don't know whether to take that as a good sign or bad sign. :)
Isn't it strange and somewhat disturbing how much I talk about the weather?


friend said...

I was wondering if you felt the quakes.

ann said...

I did feel them, and they were long and strong here (the epicenter wasn't too terribly far from us). My friends and I were actually in the car coming back from the autumn festival when the car started shaking when we idled. Judith thought she was going crazy or getting sick, and I just thought the car idled funny. But after I posted last night there was another aftershock (well, I assume it was an aftershock at least). It wasn't bad, but I was just afraid it was prepping for another big one.