Sunday, October 24, 2004

My genius idea

Today on the way to church I had a genius idea inspired by the upcoming election. Well, perhaps genius isn't the correct word, but I think it would be fascinating. What would the democracy be like today if every person were given a vote-- that means parents would be able to place votes for their children under the age of 18. I think it would be a very interesting political study to see the results. What do you guys think would happen? Has anyone else had similar thoughts, or am I the only crazy out here? :)


Josh said...

Not sure exactly how feasible that would be, but I do think it would be funny if, in the midst of courting the "Nascar dads" or "soccer moms," we saw Bush or Kerry courting the "pooping toddler" or "pubescent teenager" vote. I wonder what the campaign ads would look like.

Blakewell said...

I'm glad you asked. Dubya would win in a landslide. Bush would get 65% of the votes while Kerry would get just 33% of the votes according to the "Weekly Reader." Remember Channel One? 55% victory predicted for Bush from the Hacienda while children's publisher Scholastic predicts a 52% victory.

So there you have it. Of course Gallup dismisses this poll as unscientific but apparently the kids have picked the president correctly since 1954.


friend said...

I think this idea would only cause more controversy. Cause one party would want to get a vote for the living beings in the womb, and the other party would say the atomic slime shouldn't get a vote.