Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Feliz Cumpleanos, Mi Amiga!

Today is a very special day, as it is my dear friend Amber's birthday. Amber has been an amazing friend and influence in my life. In college she was a faithful friend and attempted to be a voice of reason when my own failed. :) We were church buddies and honors buddies and lunch buddies and chapel buddies. When I was sick I could always count on her to be there whenever I needed anything.
Now that we're kind of grown ups, she is inspiring me by living her dream. Let me take you back a few years. When Amber and I were freshmen at OC, she was quite the laid back follower of sorts. She had a certain friend from home that she did everything with, and that seemed to suit her fine. However, when spring break rolled around, on a lark she went on the Memorial Road Church's campaign to Honduras, and absolutely fell in love with the country and the people. Since then Honduras has been on her heart and she has been determined to find her way back there.
The seed of passion that God planted in Amber has come to bloom, I believe, and she has been there for about 9 months now serving in different ways. Most recently she is serving as a foster mother at a boy's home. You can go to this website and read her reports. Her email address is also there and you can take a moment to encourage her and wish her a happy birthday. :) Her stories never fail to make me cry and inspire me to seek ways to serve those in my life. Meredith and I visited Amber for a week last summer, during which I gained a whole new perspective and respect for the work she's doing. It was hard. I don't think I could do it, which makes me want to support those who have the heart and desire for it all the more.
I miss Amber dearly. She was and is one of my best friends, and although distance makes our talks more infrequent than they used to be, I'm grateful that those miles don't faze the heart.
So happy birthday, Amber. God bless you and those you minister to daily. I love you!

Amber on the Mount teaching her kids in Honduras :)

Posted by Hello

1 comment:

Amber said...

AAAAHHHH!! I just checked my blog from your website (I´m going to start blogging again) and all my lost blog entries are back!!! Yippee!!! sorry I was sad that they were lost and very happy that they are back. I will start blogging regularly again soon. Love You. Thanks for everything.