Sunday, April 11, 2004

Library Tip

As I sit in the library on the verge of beginning my 8pg history paper due tomorrow at 10am, I have a tip for any potential library patron. The 3rd floor is freezing cold, yet the 1st floor is relatively comfortable. Why is this? Doesn't hot air rise? Anyway, back to history. And because I know you're all dying to know what my topic is, it is a contrast of cultural changes following WWII and Vietnam.

*UPDATE AT 10:47pm*
The library is closing, and I have written 114 words (including the title and heading). For those of you out of the paper writing loop, this is almost half a page. I am disgusted with myself. ;) Nah... And oh yes, my topic changed. I would give you my new thesis, but I haven't written it yet.

*UPDATE AT 12:14am*
In an act of perhaps providencial mercy, Mr. McCook just emailed us to say that he's been sick all weekend, will miss class tomorrow, and will collect our papers on Wednesday. Although I wish him the best of health ASAP, I can't help but heave a huge sigh of relief. I will continue working on my paper tonight, but this chick will not be pulling an all-nighter anymore.

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